Tuesday, September 29, 2009

time flies

When you have a baby, everyone tells you how fast it goes, and to enjoy it. Well, when Ian was colicky I often wished away each day, hoping I could just survive. But all of a sudden, he's six months old, and I'm almost beginning to forget the trauma of the first 4 months (almost...) For the past month or so, I've really enjoyed motherhood. Ian is at such a fun age, and it makes me sad to think of him getting any older. For all of you mothers out there, you should check out Plumb's album, Blink . She wrote all of the songs after she had a child, and a lot of them brought tears to my eyes.

But enough of the sappy stuff, and down to the nitty gritty. At Ian's 6 month appt. he was the 95th percentile in height and head size, but only the 75th in weight (18 lbs 13 oz). The rigorous diet and exercise routine we've put him on must be working. Actually, he's started eating some solids and it's been really fun (and funny!) So far, he loves sweet potatoes and bananas, but isn't as fond of peas or avocados.

Rice Cereal

sweet potatoes


Because we met our ridiculously high deductible, I was able to go to the chiropractor for free. I have pretty bad scoliosis, but I've been dealing with it for so long, I kind of forget about it sometimes. Well, the doctor took some x-rays (the first in 15 years), and I was reminded of how bad my back really was. The doc told me that those were the kind of x-rays he remembers, and he proceeds to tell everyone how crooked my back is every time I'm in. My back is shaped like an S, and it's a bit twisted (yah, it's a lot of fun). Much to my dismay, the doctor told me I shouldn't run anymore. Not that I'm an avid runner, but I was looking forward to breaking out the jogging stroller and looking like a super mom at my top speed pace. I ignored the doctor and when for a couple of runs, and my back definitely felt it. I was kind of surprised b/c I've run 5 half marathons, and I never really noticed any pain. Of course, that was 5-6 years ago, and my 30-year-old body can't take as much now, I guess. I'm one of those weird people who loves working out, and though I walk every day at least once, that just doesn't cut it. I try to slip in a quick 20-30 cardio/weight workout in while Ian takes his morning nap.

Okay, I'm not sure how this blog turned into talking about my workout routine. Ian attended his first AU football and volleyball games, both of which we lost. But here's a pic with daddy.

Go Ravens!

Friday, September 4, 2009

You were all right!!

To everyone who told me having a baby would get easier...you were right! It might have taken a bit longer with Ian than for other babies, but life is definitely getting easier, and we're starting to fall into somewhat of a routine. He's been sleeping 10+ hours a night for the past few weeks, and he's taking naps a bit easier than before. Thank you Lord! He's at a really fun age where he giggles and smiles a lot, he interacts with us, and notices what we're doing. He's also been noticing Petey (our dog), which is funny. We love going on family walks through the neighborhood every day, and I'm getting ready to break out the jogging stroller. We got it from a garage sale (surprise, surprise), so it needs to be tweaked a bit. I'll also need to be tweaked a bit before I can run more than a mile or two without passing out.

I've officially begun a part time job at our church. I'm the new worship assistant, which means I'm helping our worship minister in planning worship each week. I get to be a part of the creative side as well as the technical behind the scenes stuff, so I'll be able to use my music and PR degrees at the same time (who knew that random combo would come in handy??). It'll be about 10-15 hours a week, and I can do a few of these from home. Troy's mom is going to watch Ian two afternoons a week for us, so it'll be a great situation. Though it will be a bit stressful coordinating schedules and feedings, I think it will be good for me emotionally to be away for a few hours each week.

My family is coming this weekend, so I'm super pumped! Happy labor day!

About Me

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Anderson, IN, United States
We're daily figuring out how to be parents, love the Lord and serve Him with all we are.
