Friday, January 23, 2009

Hurry up and wait...

My ultrasound was postponed until Monday b/c one of the techs was out sick today. It's not that I'm super worried, but now I have the entire weekend to mull over what might be wrong. Chances are the baby is just big or in a position that makes me measure larger. But it could also be polyhydramnios, which is excess amniotic fluid and could lead to other complications with the baby. Or, there's the outside chance it could be twins, though I can't imagine how they would miss an entire baby on my first ultrasound. I've been looking online, and literally no one has said they've measured 6 weeks ahead unless they were having twins! I'll post more info. as soon as I know anything.

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About Me

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Anderson, IN, United States
We're daily figuring out how to be parents, love the Lord and serve Him with all we are.
